use std::sync::Arc;
use itertools::{izip, multiunzip, Itertools};
use p3_commit::{Pcs, PolynomialSpace};
use p3_field::FieldAlgebra;
use p3_matrix::{dense::RowMajorMatrix, Matrix};
use p3_util::log2_strict_usize;
use tracing::instrument;
use self::single::compute_single_rap_quotient_values;
use super::PcsData;
use crate::{
config::{Com, Domain, PackedChallenge, StarkGenericConfig, Val},
mod evaluator;
pub(crate) mod single;
pub struct QuotientCommitter<'pcs, SC: StarkGenericConfig> {
pcs: &'pcs SC::Pcs,
alpha: SC::Challenge,
impl<'pcs, SC: StarkGenericConfig> QuotientCommitter<'pcs, SC> {
pub fn new(pcs: &'pcs SC::Pcs, alpha: SC::Challenge) -> Self {
Self { pcs, alpha }
/// Constructs quotient domains and computes the evaluation of the quotient polynomials
/// on the quotient domains of each RAP.
/// ## Assumptions
/// - `constraints`, `extended_views`, `quotient_degrees` have equal lengths and the length equals number of RAPs.
/// - `quotient_degrees` is the factor to **multiply** the trace degree by to get the degree of the quotient polynomial. This should be determined from the constraint degree of the RAP.
/// - `extended_views` is a view of the trace polynomials evaluated on the quotient domain, with rows bit reversed to account for the fact that the quotient domain is different for each RAP.
#[instrument(name = "compute quotient values", level = "info", skip_all)]
pub fn quotient_values(
constraints: &[&SymbolicExpressionDag<Val<SC>>],
extended_views: Vec<RapView<impl Matrix<Val<SC>>, Val<SC>, SC::Challenge>>,
quotient_degrees: &[u8],
) -> QuotientData<SC> {
assert_eq!(constraints.len(), extended_views.len());
assert_eq!(constraints.len(), quotient_degrees.len());
let inner = izip!(constraints, extended_views, quotient_degrees)
.map(|(constraints, extended_view, "ient_degree)| {
self.single_rap_quotient_values(constraints, extended_view, quotient_degree)
QuotientData { inner }
pub(super) fn single_rap_quotient_values(
constraints: &SymbolicExpressionDag<Val<SC>>,
view: RapView<impl Matrix<Val<SC>>, Val<SC>, SC::Challenge>,
quotient_degree: u8,
) -> SingleQuotientData<SC> {
let log_trace_height = view.pair.log_trace_height;
let trace_domain = self
.natural_domain_for_degree(1usize << log_trace_height);
let quotient_domain =
trace_domain.create_disjoint_domain(trace_domain.size() * quotient_degree as usize);
let (after_challenge_lde_on_quotient_domain, challenges, exposed_values_after_challenge): (
) = multiunzip(view.per_phase.into_iter().map(|view| {
.expect("gap in challenge phase not supported yet"),
let quotient_values = compute_single_rap_quotient_values::<SC, _>(
SingleQuotientData {
quotient_degree: quotient_degree as usize,
#[instrument(name = "commit to quotient poly chunks", skip_all)]
pub fn commit(&self, data: QuotientData<SC>) -> (Com<SC>, PcsData<SC>) {
let (log_trace_heights, quotient_domains_and_chunks): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = data
.map(|q| {
log2_strict_usize(q.domain.size()) as u8,
(q.domain, q.chunk),
let (commit, data) = self.pcs.commit(quotient_domains_and_chunks);
PcsData {
data: Arc::new(data),
/// The quotient polynomials from multiple RAP matrices.
pub(super) struct QuotientData<SC: StarkGenericConfig> {
inner: Vec<SingleQuotientData<SC>>,
impl<SC: StarkGenericConfig> QuotientData<SC> {
/// Splits the quotient polynomials from multiple AIRs into chunks of size equal to the trace domain size.
pub fn split(self) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = QuotientChunk<SC>> {
self.inner.into_iter().flat_map(|data| data.split())
/// The quotient polynomial from a single matrix RAP, evaluated on the quotient domain.
pub(super) struct SingleQuotientData<SC: StarkGenericConfig> {
quotient_degree: usize,
/// Quotient domain
quotient_domain: Domain<SC>,
/// Evaluations of the quotient polynomial on the quotient domain
quotient_values: Vec<SC::Challenge>,
impl<SC: StarkGenericConfig> SingleQuotientData<SC> {
/// The vector of evaluations of the quotient polynomial on the quotient domain,
/// first flattened from vector of extension field elements to matrix of base field elements,
/// and then split into chunks of size equal to the trace domain size (quotient domain size
/// divided by `quotient_degree`).
pub fn split(self) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = QuotientChunk<SC>> {
let quotient_degree = self.quotient_degree;
let quotient_domain = self.quotient_domain;
// Flatten from extension field elements to base field elements
let quotient_flat = RowMajorMatrix::new_col(self.quotient_values).flatten_to_base();
let quotient_chunks = quotient_domain.split_evals(quotient_degree, quotient_flat);
let qc_domains = quotient_domain.split_domains(quotient_degree);
.map(|(domain, chunk)| QuotientChunk { domain, chunk })
/// The vector of evaluations of the quotient polynomial on the quotient domain,
/// split into chunks of size equal to the trace domain size (quotient domain size
/// divided by `quotient_degree`).
/// This represents a single chunk, where the vector of extension field elements is
/// further flattened to a matrix of base field elements.
pub struct QuotientChunk<SC: StarkGenericConfig> {
/// Chunk of quotient domain, which is a coset of the trace domain
pub domain: Domain<SC>,
/// Matrix with number of rows equal to trace domain size,
/// and number of columns equal to extension field degree.
pub chunk: RowMajorMatrix<Val<SC>>,