1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
use halo2curves_axiom::bls12_381::{Fq, Fq12, Fq2};
use num_bigint::BigUint;
use openvm_ecc_guest::{
algebra::{ExpBytes, Field},
use super::{Bls12_381, FINAL_EXP_FACTOR, LAMBDA, POLY_FACTOR};
use crate::pairing::{FinalExp, MultiMillerLoop};
impl FinalExp for Bls12_381 {
type Fp = Fq;
type Fp2 = Fq2;
type Fp12 = Fq12;
fn assert_final_exp_is_one(
f: &Self::Fp12,
P: &[AffinePoint<Self::Fp>],
Q: &[AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>],
) {
let (c, s) = Self::final_exp_hint(f);
// f * s = c^{q - x}
// f * s = c^q * c^-x
// f * c^x * c^-q * s = 1,
// where fc = f * c'^x (embedded Miller loop with c conjugate inverse),
// and the curve seed x = -0xd201000000010000
// the miller loop computation includes a conjugation at the end because the value of the
// seed is negative, so we need to conjugate the miller loop input c as c'. We then substitute
// y = -x to get c^-y and finally compute c'^-y as input to the miller loop:
// f * c'^-y * c^-q * s = 1
let c_inv = c.invert().unwrap();
let c_conj_inv = c.conjugate().invert().unwrap();
let c_q_inv = c_inv.frobenius_map();
// fc = f_{Miller,x,Q}(P) * c^{x}
// where
// fc = conjugate( f_{Miller,-x,Q}(P) * c'^{-x} ), with c' denoting the conjugate of c
let fc = Self::multi_miller_loop_embedded_exp(P, Q, Some(c_conj_inv));
assert_eq!(fc * c_q_inv * s, Fq12::ONE);
// Adapted from the gnark implementation:
// returns c (residueWitness) and s (scalingFactor)
fn final_exp_hint(f: &Self::Fp12) -> (Self::Fp12, Self::Fp12) {
// 1. get p-th root inverse
let mut exp = FINAL_EXP_FACTOR.clone() * BigUint::from(27u32);
let mut root = f.exp_bytes(true, &exp.to_bytes_be());
let root_pth_inv: Fq12;
if root == Fq12::ONE {
root_pth_inv = Fq12::ONE;
} else {
let exp_inv = exp.modinv(&POLY_FACTOR.clone()).unwrap();
exp = exp_inv % POLY_FACTOR.clone();
root_pth_inv = root.exp_bytes(false, &exp.to_bytes_be());
// 2.1. get order of 3rd primitive root
let three = BigUint::from(3u32);
let mut order_3rd_power: u32 = 0;
exp = POLY_FACTOR.clone() * FINAL_EXP_FACTOR.clone();
root = f.exp_bytes(true, &exp.to_bytes_be());
let three_be = three.to_bytes_be();
// NOTE[yj]: we can probably remove this first check as an optimization since we initizlize order_3rd_power to 0
if root == Fq12::ONE {
order_3rd_power = 0;
root = root.exp_bytes(true, &three_be);
if root == Fq12::ONE {
order_3rd_power = 1;
root = root.exp_bytes(true, &three_be);
if root == Fq12::ONE {
order_3rd_power = 2;
root = root.exp_bytes(true, &three_be);
if root == Fq12::ONE {
order_3rd_power = 3;
// 2.2. get 27th root inverse
let root_27th_inv: Fq12;
if order_3rd_power == 0 {
root_27th_inv = Fq12::ONE;
} else {
let order_3rd = three.pow(order_3rd_power);
exp = POLY_FACTOR.clone() * FINAL_EXP_FACTOR.clone();
root = f.exp_bytes(true, &exp.to_bytes_be());
let exp_inv = exp.modinv(&order_3rd).unwrap();
exp = exp_inv % order_3rd;
root_27th_inv = root.exp_bytes(false, &exp.to_bytes_be());
// 2.3. shift the Miller loop result so that millerLoop * scalingFactor
// is of order finalExpFactor
let s = root_pth_inv * root_27th_inv;
let f = f * s;
// 3. get the witness residue
// lambda = q - u, the optimal exponent
exp = LAMBDA.clone().modinv(&FINAL_EXP_FACTOR.clone()).unwrap();
let c = f.exp_bytes(true, &exp.to_bytes_be());
(c, s)