use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
use openvm_circuit_primitives_derive::AlignedBorrow;
use openvm_instructions::{
instruction::Instruction, program::DEFAULT_PC_STEP, PhantomDiscriminant, VmOpcode,
use openvm_stark_backend::{interaction::InteractionBuilder, p3_field::AbstractField};
use thiserror::Error;
use super::Streams;
use crate::system::{memory::MemoryController, program::ProgramBus};
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, ExecutionError>;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ExecutionError {
#[error("execution failed at pc {pc}")]
Fail { pc: u32 },
#[error("pc {pc} not found for program of length {program_len}, with pc_base {pc_base} and step = {step}")]
PcNotFound {
pc: u32,
step: u32,
pc_base: u32,
program_len: usize,
#[error("pc {pc} out of bounds for program of length {program_len}, with pc_base {pc_base} and step = {step}")]
PcOutOfBounds {
pc: u32,
step: u32,
pc_base: u32,
program_len: usize,
#[error("at pc {pc}, opcode {opcode} was not enabled")]
DisabledOperation { pc: u32, opcode: VmOpcode },
#[error("at pc = {pc}")]
HintOutOfBounds { pc: u32 },
#[error("at pc {pc}, tried to publish into index {public_value_index} when num_public_values = {num_public_values}")]
PublicValueIndexOutOfBounds {
pc: u32,
num_public_values: usize,
public_value_index: usize,
#[error("at pc {pc}, tried to publish {new_value} into index {public_value_index} but already had {existing_value}")]
PublicValueNotEqual {
pc: u32,
public_value_index: usize,
existing_value: usize,
new_value: usize,
#[error("at pc {pc}, phantom sub-instruction not found for discriminant {}", .discriminant.0)]
PhantomNotFound {
pc: u32,
discriminant: PhantomDiscriminant,
#[error("at pc {pc}, discriminant {}, phantom error: {inner}", .discriminant.0)]
Phantom {
pc: u32,
discriminant: PhantomDiscriminant,
inner: eyre::Error,
pub trait InstructionExecutor<F> {
fn execute(
&mut self,
instruction: Instruction<F>,
from_state: ExecutionState<u32>,
) -> Result<ExecutionState<u32>>;
fn get_opcode_name(&self, opcode: usize) -> String;
impl<F, C: InstructionExecutor<F>> InstructionExecutor<F> for RefCell<C> {
fn execute(
&mut self,
instruction: Instruction<F>,
prev_state: ExecutionState<u32>,
) -> Result<ExecutionState<u32>> {
self.borrow_mut().execute(instruction, prev_state)
fn get_opcode_name(&self, opcode: usize) -> String {
impl<F, C: InstructionExecutor<F>> InstructionExecutor<F> for Rc<RefCell<C>> {
fn execute(
&mut self,
instruction: Instruction<F>,
prev_state: ExecutionState<u32>,
) -> Result<ExecutionState<u32>> {
self.borrow_mut().execute(instruction, prev_state)
fn get_opcode_name(&self, opcode: usize) -> String {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Default, AlignedBorrow)]
pub struct ExecutionState<T> {
pub pc: T,
pub timestamp: T,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct ExecutionBus(pub usize);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ExecutionBridge {
execution_bus: ExecutionBus,
program_bus: ProgramBus,
pub struct ExecutionBridgeInteractor<AB: InteractionBuilder> {
execution_bus: ExecutionBus,
program_bus: ProgramBus,
opcode: AB::Expr,
operands: Vec<AB::Expr>,
from_state: ExecutionState<AB::Expr>,
to_state: ExecutionState<AB::Expr>,
pub enum PcIncOrSet<T> {
impl<T> ExecutionState<T> {
pub fn new(pc: impl Into<T>, timestamp: impl Into<T>) -> Self {
Self {
pc: pc.into(),
timestamp: timestamp.into(),
pub fn from_iter<I: Iterator<Item = T>>(iter: &mut I) -> Self {
let mut next = ||;
Self {
pc: next(),
timestamp: next(),
pub fn flatten(self) -> [T; 2] {
[self.pc, self.timestamp]
pub fn get_width() -> usize {
pub fn map<U: Clone, F: Fn(T) -> U>(self, function: F) -> ExecutionState<U> {
ExecutionState::from_iter(&mut self.flatten().map(function).into_iter())
impl ExecutionBus {
pub fn execute_and_increment_pc<AB: InteractionBuilder>(
builder: &mut AB,
multiplicity: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
prev_state: ExecutionState<AB::Expr>,
timestamp_change: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
) {
let next_state = ExecutionState {
pc: prev_state.pc.clone() + AB::F::ONE,
timestamp: prev_state.timestamp.clone() + timestamp_change.into(),
self.execute(builder, multiplicity, prev_state, next_state);
pub fn execute<AB: InteractionBuilder>(
builder: &mut AB,
multiplicity: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
prev_state: ExecutionState<impl Into<AB::Expr>>,
next_state: ExecutionState<impl Into<AB::Expr>>,
) {
let multiplicity = multiplicity.into();
[prev_state.pc.into(), prev_state.timestamp.into()],
[next_state.pc.into(), next_state.timestamp.into()],
impl ExecutionBridge {
pub fn new(execution_bus: ExecutionBus, program_bus: ProgramBus) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn execute_and_increment_or_set_pc<AB: InteractionBuilder>(
opcode: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
operands: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<AB::Expr>>,
from_state: ExecutionState<impl Into<AB::Expr> + Clone>,
timestamp_change: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
pc_kind: impl Into<PcIncOrSet<AB::Expr>>,
) -> ExecutionBridgeInteractor<AB> {
let to_state = ExecutionState {
pc: match pc_kind.into() {
PcIncOrSet::Set(to_pc) => to_pc,
PcIncOrSet::Inc(pc_inc) => from_state.pc.clone().into() + pc_inc,
timestamp: from_state.timestamp.clone().into() + timestamp_change.into(),
self.execute(opcode, operands, from_state, to_state)
pub fn execute_and_increment_pc<AB: InteractionBuilder>(
opcode: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
operands: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<AB::Expr>>,
from_state: ExecutionState<impl Into<AB::Expr> + Clone>,
timestamp_change: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
) -> ExecutionBridgeInteractor<AB> {
let to_state = ExecutionState {
pc: from_state.pc.clone().into() + AB::Expr::from_canonical_u32(DEFAULT_PC_STEP),
timestamp: from_state.timestamp.clone().into() + timestamp_change.into(),
self.execute(opcode, operands, from_state, to_state)
pub fn execute<AB: InteractionBuilder>(
opcode: impl Into<AB::Expr>,
operands: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<AB::Expr>>,
from_state: ExecutionState<impl Into<AB::Expr> + Clone>,
to_state: ExecutionState<impl Into<AB::Expr>>,
) -> ExecutionBridgeInteractor<AB> {
ExecutionBridgeInteractor {
execution_bus: self.execution_bus,
program_bus: self.program_bus,
opcode: opcode.into(),
operands: operands.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
impl<AB: InteractionBuilder> ExecutionBridgeInteractor<AB> {
pub fn eval(self, builder: &mut AB, multiplicity: impl Into<AB::Expr>) {
let multiplicity = multiplicity.into();
.execute(builder, multiplicity, self.from_state, self.to_state);
impl<T: AbstractField> From<(u32, Option<T>)> for PcIncOrSet<T> {
fn from((pc_inc, to_pc): (u32, Option<T>)) -> Self {
match to_pc {
None => PcIncOrSet::Inc(T::from_canonical_u32(pc_inc)),
Some(to_pc) => PcIncOrSet::Set(to_pc),
pub trait PhantomSubExecutor<F> {
fn phantom_execute(
&mut self,
memory: &MemoryController<F>,
streams: &mut Streams<F>,
discriminant: PhantomDiscriminant,
a: F,
b: F,
c_upper: u16,
) -> eyre::Result<()>;