1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use halo2curves_axiom::bls12_381::{Fq, Fq12, Fq2};
use itertools::izip;
use openvm_ecc_guest::{
algebra::{DivUnsafe, Field},
use super::Bls12_381;
use crate::{
bls12_381::{BLS12_381_PSEUDO_BINARY_ENCODING, BLS12_381_SEED_ABS},
Evaluatable, EvaluatedLine, LineMulMType, MillerStep, MultiMillerLoop, UnevaluatedLine,
impl MillerStep for Bls12_381 {
type Fp2 = Fq2;
/// Miller double step
fn miller_double_step(
s: &AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>,
) -> (AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>, UnevaluatedLine<Self::Fp2>) {
let one = &Self::Fp2::ONE;
let two = &(one + one);
let three = &(one + two);
let x = &s.x;
let y = &s.y;
// λ = (3x^2) / (2y)
let lambda = &((three * x * x).div_unsafe(&(two * y)));
// x_2s = λ^2 - 2x
let x_2s = lambda * lambda - two * x;
// y_2s = λ(x - x_2s) - y
let y_2s = lambda * (x - x_2s) - y;
let two_s = AffinePoint { x: x_2s, y: y_2s };
// Tangent line
// 1 + b' (x_P / y_P) w^-1 + c' (1 / y_P) w^-3
// where
// l_{\Psi(S),\Psi(S)}(P) = (λ * x_S - y_S) (1 / y_P) - λ (x_P / y_P) w^2 + w^3
// x0 = λ * x_S - y_S
// x2 = - λ
let b = lambda.neg();
let c = lambda * x - y;
(two_s, UnevaluatedLine { b, c })
fn miller_add_step(
s: &AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>,
q: &AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>,
) -> (AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>, UnevaluatedLine<Self::Fp2>) {
let x_s = &s.x;
let y_s = &s.y;
let x_q = &q.x;
let y_q = &q.y;
// λ1 = (y_s - y_q) / (x_s - x_q)
let x_delta = x_s - x_q;
let lambda = (y_s - y_q).div_unsafe(&x_delta);
let x_s_plus_q = lambda * lambda - x_s - x_q;
let y_s_plus_q = lambda * (x_q - x_s_plus_q) - y_q;
let s_plus_q = AffinePoint {
x: x_s_plus_q,
y: y_s_plus_q,
// l_{\Psi(S),\Psi(Q)}(P) = (λ_1 * x_S - y_S) (1 / y_P) - λ_1 (x_P / y_P) w^2 + w^3
let b = lambda.neg();
let c = lambda * x_s - y_s;
(s_plus_q, UnevaluatedLine { b, c })
/// Miller double and add step (2S + Q implemented as S + Q + S for efficiency)
fn miller_double_and_add_step(
s: &AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>,
q: &AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>,
) -> (
) {
let one = &Self::Fp2::ONE;
let two = &(one + one);
let x_s = &s.x;
let y_s = &s.y;
let x_q = &q.x;
let y_q = &q.y;
// λ1 = (y_s - y_q) / (x_s - x_q)
let lambda1 = &((y_s - y_q).div_unsafe(&(x_s - x_q)));
let x_s_plus_q = lambda1 * lambda1 - x_s - x_q;
// λ2 = -λ1 - 2y_s / (x_{s+q} - x_s)
let lambda2 = &(lambda1.neg() - (two * y_s).div_unsafe(&(x_s_plus_q - x_s)));
let x_s_plus_q_plus_s = lambda2 * lambda2 - x_s - x_s_plus_q;
let y_s_plus_q_plus_s = lambda2 * (x_s - x_s_plus_q_plus_s) - y_s;
let s_plus_q_plus_s = AffinePoint {
x: x_s_plus_q_plus_s,
y: y_s_plus_q_plus_s,
// l_{\Psi(S),\Psi(Q)}(P) = (λ_1 * x_S - y_S) (1 / y_P) - λ_1 (x_P / y_P) w^2 + w^3
let b0 = lambda1.neg();
let c0 = lambda1 * x_s - y_s;
// l_{\Psi(S+Q),\Psi(S)}(P) = (λ_2 * x_S - y_S) (1 / y_P) - λ_2 (x_P / y_P) w^2 + w^3
let b1 = lambda2.neg();
let c1 = lambda2 * x_s - y_s;
UnevaluatedLine { b: b0, c: c0 },
UnevaluatedLine { b: b1, c: c1 },
impl MultiMillerLoop for Bls12_381 {
type Fp = Fq;
type Fp12 = Fq12;
const SEED_ABS: u64 = BLS12_381_SEED_ABS;
fn evaluate_lines_vec(f: Fq12, lines: Vec<EvaluatedLine<Fq2>>) -> Fq12 {
let mut f = f;
let mut lines = lines;
if lines.len() % 2 == 1 {
f = Self::mul_by_023(&f, &lines.pop().unwrap());
for chunk in lines.chunks(2) {
if let [line0, line1] = chunk {
let prod = Self::mul_023_by_023(line0, line1);
f = Self::mul_by_02345(&f, &prod);
} else {
panic!("lines.len() % 2 should be 0 at this point");
/// The expected output of this function when running the Miller loop with embedded exponent is c^3 * l_{3Q}
fn pre_loop(
Q_acc: Vec<AffinePoint<Fq2>>,
Q: &[AffinePoint<Fq2>],
c: Option<Fq12>,
xy_fracs: &[(Fq, Fq)],
) -> (Fq12, Vec<AffinePoint<Fq2>>) {
let mut f = if let Some(mut c) = c {
// for the miller loop with embedded exponent, f will be set to c at the beginning of the function, and we
// will multiply by c again due to the last two values of the pseudo-binary encoding (BN12_381_PBE) being 1.
// Therefore, the final value of f at the end of this block is c^3.
let mut c3 = c;
c3 *= &c;
} else {
let mut Q_acc = Q_acc;
// Special case the first iteration of the Miller loop with pseudo_binary_encoding = 1:
// this means that the first step is a double and add, but we need to separate the two steps since the optimized
// `miller_double_and_add_step` will fail because Q_acc is equal to Q_signed on the first iteration
let (Q_out_double, lines_2S) = Q_acc
.map(|Q| Self::miller_double_step(&Q))
.unzip::<_, _, Vec<_>, Vec<_>>();
Q_acc = Q_out_double;
let mut initial_lines = Vec::<EvaluatedLine<Fq2>>::new();
let lines_iter = izip!(lines_2S.iter(), xy_fracs.iter());
for (line_2S, xy_frac) in lines_iter {
let line = line_2S.evaluate(xy_frac);
let (Q_out_add, lines_S_plus_Q) = Q_acc
.map(|(Q_acc, Q)| Self::miller_add_step(Q_acc, Q))
.unzip::<_, _, Vec<_>, Vec<_>>();
Q_acc = Q_out_add;
let lines_iter = izip!(lines_S_plus_Q.iter(), xy_fracs.iter());
for (lines_S_plus_Q, xy_frac) in lines_iter {
let line = lines_S_plus_Q.evaluate(xy_frac);
f = Self::evaluate_lines_vec(f, initial_lines);
(f, Q_acc)
/// After running the main body of the Miller loop, we conjugate f due to the curve seed x being negative.
fn post_loop(
f: &Fq12,
Q_acc: Vec<AffinePoint<Fq2>>,
_Q: &[AffinePoint<Fq2>],
_c: Option<Fq12>,
_xy_fracs: &[(Fq, Fq)],
) -> (Fq12, Vec<AffinePoint<Fq2>>) {
// Conjugate for negative component of the seed
// Explanation:
// The general Miller loop formula implies that f_{-x} = 1/f_x. To avoid an inversion, we use the fact that
// for the final exponentiation, we only need the Miller loop result up to multiplication by some proper subfield
// of Fp12. Using the fact that Fp12 is a quadratic extension of Fp6, we have that f_x * conjugate(f_x) * 1/f_x lies in Fp6.
// Therefore we conjugate f_x instead of taking the inverse.
let f = f.conjugate();
(f, Q_acc)