extern crate alloc;
extern crate proc_macro;
use itertools::{multiunzip, Itertools};
use proc_macro::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, Data, Fields, GenericParam, Ident, Meta, Token};
pub fn instruction_executor_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast: syn::DeriveInput = syn::parse(input).unwrap();
let name = &ast.ident;
let generics = &ast.generics;
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, _) = generics.split_for_impl();
match &ast.data {
Data::Struct(inner) => {
let inner_ty = match &inner.fields {
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
if fields.unnamed.len() != 1 {
panic!("Only one unnamed field is supported");
_ => panic!("Only unnamed fields are supported"),
let mut new_generics = generics.clone();
let where_clause = new_generics.make_where_clause();
syn::parse_quote! { #inner_ty: ::openvm_circuit::arch::InstructionExecutor<F> },
quote! {
impl #impl_generics ::openvm_circuit::arch::InstructionExecutor<F> for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
fn execute(
&mut self,
memory: &mut ::openvm_circuit::system::memory::MemoryController<F>,
instruction: &::openvm_circuit::arch::instructions::instruction::Instruction<F>,
from_state: ::openvm_circuit::arch::ExecutionState<u32>,
) -> ::openvm_circuit::arch::Result<::openvm_circuit::arch::ExecutionState<u32>> {
self.0.execute(memory, instruction, from_state)
fn get_opcode_name(&self, opcode: usize) -> String {
Data::Enum(e) => {
let variants = e
.map(|variant| {
let variant_name = &variant.ident;
let mut fields = variant.fields.iter();
let field = fields.next().unwrap();
assert!(fields.next().is_none(), "Only one field is supported");
(variant_name, field)
let first_ty_generic = ast
.and_then(|param| match param {
GenericParam::Type(type_param) => Some(&type_param.ident),
_ => None,
.expect("First generic must be type for Field");
let (execute_arms, get_opcode_name_arms): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
multiunzip(variants.iter().map(|(variant_name, field)| {
let field_ty = &field.ty;
let execute_arm = quote! {
#name::#variant_name(x) => <#field_ty as ::openvm_circuit::arch::InstructionExecutor<#first_ty_generic>>::execute(x, memory, instruction, from_state)
let get_opcode_name_arm = quote! {
#name::#variant_name(x) => <#field_ty as ::openvm_circuit::arch::InstructionExecutor<#first_ty_generic>>::get_opcode_name(x, opcode)
(execute_arm, get_opcode_name_arm)
quote! {
impl #impl_generics ::openvm_circuit::arch::InstructionExecutor<#first_ty_generic> for #name #ty_generics {
fn execute(
&mut self,
memory: &mut ::openvm_circuit::system::memory::MemoryController<#first_ty_generic>,
instruction: &::openvm_circuit::arch::instructions::instruction::Instruction<#first_ty_generic>,
from_state: ::openvm_circuit::arch::ExecutionState<u32>,
) -> ::openvm_circuit::arch::Result<::openvm_circuit::arch::ExecutionState<u32>> {
match self {
fn get_opcode_name(&self, opcode: usize) -> String {
match self {
Data::Union(_) => unimplemented!("Unions are not supported"),
#[proc_macro_derive(AnyEnum, attributes(any_enum))]
pub fn any_enum_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast: syn::DeriveInput = syn::parse(input).unwrap();
let name = &ast.ident;
let generics = &ast.generics;
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, _) = generics.split_for_impl();
match &ast.data {
Data::Enum(e) => {
let variants = e
.map(|variant| {
let variant_name = &variant.ident;
let is_enum = variant
.any(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("any_enum"));
let mut fields = variant.fields.iter();
let field = fields.next().unwrap();
assert!(fields.next().is_none(), "Only one field is supported");
(variant_name, field, is_enum)
let (arms, arms_mut): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
variants.iter().map(|(variant_name, field, is_enum)| {
let field_ty = &field.ty;
if *is_enum {
(quote! {
#name::#variant_name(x) => <#field_ty as ::openvm_circuit::arch::AnyEnum>::as_any_kind(x)
quote! {
#name::#variant_name(x) => <#field_ty as ::openvm_circuit::arch::AnyEnum>::as_any_kind_mut(x)
} else {
(quote! {
#name::#variant_name(x) => x
quote! {
#name::#variant_name(x) => x
quote! {
impl #impl_generics ::openvm_circuit::arch::AnyEnum for #name #ty_generics {
fn as_any_kind(&self) -> &dyn std::any::Any {
match self {
fn as_any_kind_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn std::any::Any {
match self {
_ => syn::Error::new(name.span(), "Only enums are supported")
enum Source {
#[proc_macro_derive(VmConfig, attributes(system, config, extension))]
pub fn vm_generic_config_derive(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let ast = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as syn::DeriveInput);
let name = &ast.ident;
let gen_name_with_uppercase_idents = |ident: &Ident| {
let mut name = ident.to_string().chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert!(name[0].is_lowercase(), "Field name must not be capitalized");
let res_lower = Ident::new(&name.iter().collect::<String>(), Span::call_site().into());
name[0] = name[0].to_ascii_uppercase();
let res_upper = Ident::new(&name.iter().collect::<String>(), Span::call_site().into());
(res_lower, res_upper)
match &ast.data {
syn::Data::Struct(inner) => {
let fields = match &inner.fields {
Fields::Named(named) => named.named.iter().collect(),
Fields::Unnamed(_) => {
return syn::Error::new(name.span(), "Only named fields are supported")
Fields::Unit => vec![],
let source = fields
.filter_map(|f| {
if f.attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("system")) {
} else if f.attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("config")) {
} else {
.expect("Exactly one field must have #[system] or #[config] attribute");
let (source_name, source_name_upper) = match &source {
Source::System(ident) | Source::Config(ident) => {
let extensions = fields
.filter(|f| f.attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("extension")))
let mut executor_enum_fields = Vec::new();
let mut periphery_enum_fields = Vec::new();
let mut create_chip_complex = Vec::new();
for &e in extensions.iter() {
let (field_name, field_name_upper) =
let mut executor_name = Ident::new(
&format!("{}Executor", e.ty.to_token_stream()),
let mut periphery_name = Ident::new(
&format!("{}Periphery", e.ty.to_token_stream()),
if let Some(attr) = e
.find(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("extension"))
match attr.meta {
Meta::Path(_) => {}
Meta::NameValue(_) => {
return syn::Error::new(
"Only `#[extension]` or `#[extension(...)] formats are supported",
_ => {
let nested = attr
.parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Meta, Token![,]>::parse_terminated)
for meta in nested {
match meta {
Meta::NameValue(nv) => {
if nv.path.is_ident("executor") {
executor_name = Ident::new(
} else if nv.path.is_ident("periphery") {
periphery_name = Ident::new(
} else {
Err("only executor and periphery keys are supported")
_ => Err("only name = value format is supported"),
.expect("wrong attributes format");
executor_enum_fields.push(quote! {
periphery_enum_fields.push(quote! {
create_chip_complex.push(quote! {
let complex: VmChipComplex<F, Self::Executor, Self::Periphery> = complex.extend(&self.#field_name)?;
let (source_executor_type, source_periphery_type) = match &source {
Source::System(_) => (quote! { SystemExecutor }, quote! { SystemPeriphery }),
Source::Config(field_ident) => {
let field_type = fields
.find(|f| f.ident.as_ref() == Some(field_ident))
.map(|f| &f.ty)
.expect("Field not found");
let executor_type = format!("{}Executor", quote!(#field_type));
let periphery_type = format!("{}Periphery", quote!(#field_type));
let executor_ident = Ident::new(&executor_type, field_ident.span());
let periphery_ident = Ident::new(&periphery_type, field_ident.span());
(quote! { #executor_ident }, quote! { #periphery_ident })
let executor_type = Ident::new(&format!("{}Executor", name), name.span());
let periphery_type = Ident::new(&format!("{}Periphery", name), name.span());
TokenStream::from(quote! {
#[derive(ChipUsageGetter, Chip, InstructionExecutor, From, AnyEnum, ::openvm_circuit_primitives_derive::BytesStateful)]
pub enum #executor_type<F: PrimeField32> {
#[derive(ChipUsageGetter, Chip, From, AnyEnum, ::openvm_circuit_primitives_derive::BytesStateful)]
pub enum #periphery_type<F: PrimeField32> {
impl<F: PrimeField32> VmConfig<F> for #name {
type Executor = #executor_type<F>;
type Periphery = #periphery_type<F>;
fn system(&self) -> &SystemConfig {
fn system_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SystemConfig {
VmConfig::<F>::system_mut(&mut self.#source_name)
fn create_chip_complex(
) -> Result<VmChipComplex<F, Self::Executor, Self::Periphery>, VmInventoryError> {
let complex = self.#source_name.create_chip_complex()?;
_ => syn::Error::new(name.span(), "Only structs are supported")