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//! [github-url]:
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//! [docs-url]: crate
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//! Preserve contextual coherence among trace data from concurrent tasks.
//! # Overview
//! [`tracing`] is a framework for instrumenting programs to collect structured
//! and async-aware diagnostics via the [`Subscriber`] trait. The
//! [`tracing-subscriber`] crate provides tools for composing [`Subscriber`]s
//! from smaller units. This crate extends [`tracing-subscriber`] by providing
//! [`ForestLayer`], a [`Layer`] that preserves contextual coherence of trace
//! data from concurrent tasks when logging.
//! This crate is intended for programs running many nontrivial and disjoint
//! tasks concurrently, like server backends. Unlike [other `Subscriber`s][crate#contextual-coherence-in-action]
//! which simply keep track of the context of an event, `tracing-forest` preserves
//! the contextual coherence when writing logs even in parallel contexts, allowing
//! readers to easily trace a sequence of events from the same task.
//! `tracing-forest` is intended for authoring applications.
//! [`tracing-subscriber`]: tracing_subscriber
//! [`Layer`]: tracing_subscriber::layer::Layer
//! [`Subscriber`]: tracing::subscriber::Subscriber
//! # Getting started
//! The easiest way to get started is to enable all features. Do this by
//! adding the following to your `Cargo.toml` file:
//! ```toml
//! tracing-forest = { version = "0.1.6", features = ["full"] }
//! ```
//! Then, add [`tracing_forest::init`](crate::init) to your main function:
//! ```
//! fn main() {
//! // Initialize a default `ForestLayer` subscriber
//! tracing_forest::init();
//! // ...
//! }
//! ```
//! This crate also provides tools for much more advanced configurations:
//! ```
//! use tracing_forest::{traits::*, util::*};
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//! tracing_forest::worker_task()
//! .set_global(true)
//! .map_sender(|sender| sender.or_stderr())
//! .build_on(|subscriber| subscriber
//! .with(EnvFilter::from_default_env())
//! .with(LevelFilter::INFO)
//! )
//! .on(async {
//! // -- snip --
//! })
//! .await;
//! }
//! ```
//! For useful configuration abstractions, see the [`runtime` module documentation][runtime].
//! # Contextual coherence in action
//! Similar to this crate, the [`tracing-tree`] crate collects and writes trace
//! data as a tree. Unlike this crate, it doesn't maintain contextual coherence
//! in parallel contexts.
//! Observe the below program, which simulates serving multiple clients concurrently.
//! ```
//! # async fn some_expensive_operation() {}
//! # mod tracing_tree {
//! # #[derive(Default)]
//! # pub struct HierarchicalLayer;
//! # impl<S: tracing::Subscriber> tracing_subscriber::Layer<S> for HierarchicalLayer {}
//! # }
//! use tracing::info;
//! use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, Registry};
//! use tracing_tree::HierarchicalLayer;
//! #[tracing::instrument]
//! async fn conn(id: u32) {
//! for i in 0..3 {
//! some_expensive_operation().await;
//! info!(id, "step {}", i);
//! }
//! }
//! #[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread")]
//! async fn main() {
//! // Use a `tracing-tree` subscriber
//! Registry::default()
//! .with(HierarchicalLayer::default())
//! .init();
//! let connections: Vec<_> = (0..3)
//! .map(|id| tokio::spawn(conn(id)))
//! .collect();
//! for conn in connections {
//! conn.await.unwrap();
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! `tracing-tree` isn't intended for concurrent use, and this is demonstrated
//! by the output of the program:
//! ```log
//! conn id=2
//! conn id=0
//! conn id=1
//! 23ms INFO step 0, id=2
//! 84ms INFO step 0, id=1
//! 94ms INFO step 1, id=2
//! 118ms INFO step 0, id=0
//! 130ms INFO step 1, id=1
//! 193ms INFO step 2, id=2
//! 217ms INFO step 1, id=0
//! 301ms INFO step 2, id=1
//! 326ms INFO step 2, id=0
//! ```
//! We can instead use `tracing-forest` as a drop-in replacement for `tracing-tree`.
//! ```
//! use tracing::info;
//! use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, Registry};
//! use tracing_forest::ForestLayer;
//! #[tracing::instrument]
//! async fn conn(id: u32) {
//! // -- snip --
//! }
//! #[tokio::main(flavor = "multi_thread")]
//! async fn main() {
//! // Use a `tracing-forest` subscriber
//! Registry::default()
//! .with(ForestLayer::default())
//! .init();
//! // -- snip --
//! }
//! ```
//! Now we can easily trace what happened:
//! ```log
//! INFO conn [ 150µs | 100.00% ] id: 1
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: step 0 | id: 1
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: step 1 | id: 1
//! INFO ┕━ i [info]: step 2 | id: 1
//! INFO conn [ 343µs | 100.00% ] id: 0
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: step 0 | id: 0
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: step 1 | id: 0
//! INFO ┕━ i [info]: step 2 | id: 0
//! INFO conn [ 233µs | 100.00% ] id: 2
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: step 0 | id: 2
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: step 1 | id: 2
//! INFO ┕━ i [info]: step 2 | id: 2
//! ```
//! [`tracing-tree`]:
//! # Categorizing events with tags
//! This crate allows attaching supplemental categorical information to events with [`Tag`]s.
//! Without tags, it's difficult to distinguish where events are occurring in a system.
//! ```log
//! INFO i [info]: some info for the admin
//! ERROR 🚨 [error]: the request timed out
//! ERROR 🚨 [error]: the db has been breached
//! ```
//! Tags help make this distinction more visible.
//! ```log
//! INFO i []: some info for the admin
//! ERROR 🚨 [request.error]: the request timed out
//! ERROR 🔐 [security.critical]: the db has been breached
//! ```
//! See the [`tag` module-level documentation](mod@crate::tag) for details.
//! # Attaching `Uuid`s to trace data
//! When the `uuid` feature is enabled, the `ForestLayer` will automatically attach
//! [`Uuid`]s to trace data. Events will adopt the UUID of their span, or the "nil"
//! UUID at the root level. Spans will adopt the UUID of parent spans, or generate
//! a new UUID at the root level.
//! A span's `Uuid` can also be passed in manually to override adopting the parent's
//! `Uuid` by passing it in as a field named `uuid`:
//! ```
//! # use tracing::info_span;
//! # use uuid::Uuid;
//! let id = Uuid::new_v4();
//! let span = info_span!("my_span", uuid = %id);
//! ```
//! It can also be retreived from the most recently entered span with
//! [`tracing_forest::id`](crate::id):
//! ```
//! # use tracing::info_span;
//! # use uuid::Uuid;
//! # tracing_forest::init();
//! let id = Uuid::new_v4();
//! info_span!("my_span", uuid = %id).in_scope(|| {
//! let current_id = tracing_forest::id();
//! assert!(id == current_id);
//! });
//! ```
//! # Immediate logs
//! Since `tracing-forest` stores trace data in memory until the root span finishes,
//! it can be a long time until a log is written. This may not be acceptable in
//! certain use cases.
//! To resolve this, the `immediate` field can be used on an event to print the
//! event and its parent spans to stderr. Unlike `eprintln!`, the event will
//! still appear in the trace tree written once the root span closes.
//! ## Example
//! ```
//! use tracing::{info, trace_span};
//! tracing_forest::init();
//! trace_span!("my_span").in_scope(|| {
//! info!("first");
//! info!("second");
//! info!(immediate = true, "third, but immediately");
//! });
//! ```
//! ```log
//! INFO i IMMEDIATE i my_span > third, but immediately
//! TRACE my_span [ 125µs | 100.000% ]
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: first
//! INFO ┝━ i [info]: second
//! INFO ┕━ i [info]: third, but immediately
//! ```
//! # Feature flags
//! This crate uses feature flags to reduce dependency bloat.
//! * `full`: Enables all features listed below.
//! * `uuid`: Enables spans to carry operation IDs.
//! * `chrono`: Enables timestamps on trace data.
//! * `ansi`: Enables ANSI terminal colors.
//! * `smallvec`: Enables some performance optimizations.
//! * `tokio`: Enables [`worker_task`] and [`capture`].
//! * `serde`: Enables log trees to be serialized, which is [useful for formatting][serde_fmt].
//! * `env-filter`: Re-exports [`EnvFilter`] from the [`util`] module.
//! By default, only `smallvec` in enabled.
//! [`Uuid`]: uuid::Uuid
//! [serde_fmt]: crate::printer::Formatter#examples
//! [`EnvFilter`]: tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter
#![doc(issue_tracker_base_url = "")]
// Allows displaying cfgs/feature flags in the documentation.
// Allows adding traits to RustDoc's list of "notable traits"
// feature(doc_notable_trait),
// Fail the docs build if any intra-docs links are broken
pub mod printer;
pub mod processor;
pub mod tag;
pub mod tree;
mod cfg;
mod fail;
mod layer;
pub use layer::{init, test_init, ForestLayer};
pub use printer::{Formatter, PrettyPrinter, Printer};
pub use processor::Processor;
pub use tag::Tag;
cfg_tokio! {
pub mod runtime;
pub use runtime::{capture, worker_task};
cfg_uuid! {
pub use layer::id::id;
/// Bring traits from this crate, `tracing`, and `tracing_subscriber` into scope
/// anonymously.
pub mod traits {
pub use crate::Processor as _;
pub use tracing::Instrument as _;
pub use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt as _, util::SubscriberInitExt as _};
/// Bring Tracing's event and span macros into scope, along with other sensible defaults.
pub mod util {
pub use crate::ForestLayer;
pub use tracing::metadata::LevelFilter;
pub use tracing::{
debug, debug_span, error, error_span, info, info_span, trace, trace_span, warn, warn_span,
Event, Level,
#[cfg(feature = "env-filter")]
pub use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;