use crate::{
mpnat::{DoubleWord, MPNat, Word, BASE, WORD_BITS},
pub fn monpro(x: &MPNat, y: &MPNat, n: &MPNat, n_prime: Word, out: &mut [Word]) {
"Montgomery multiplication only makes sense with odd modulus"
out.len() >= n.digits.len() + 2,
"Output needs 2 extra words over the size needed to represent n"
let s = out.len() - 2;
for i in 0..s {
let mut c = 0;
for j in 0..s {
let (prod, carry) = shifted_carrying_mul(
out[j] = prod;
c = carry;
let (sum, carry) = carrying_add(out[s], c, false);
out[s] = sum;
out[s + 1] = carry as Word;
let m = out[0].wrapping_mul(n_prime);
let (_, carry) = shifted_carrying_mul(out[0], m, n.digits.first().copied().unwrap_or(0), 0);
c = carry;
for j in 1..s {
let (prod, carry) =
shifted_carrying_mul(out[j], m, n.digits.get(j).copied().unwrap_or(0), c);
out[j - 1] = prod;
c = carry;
let (sum, carry) = carrying_add(out[s], c, false);
out[s - 1] = sum;
out[s] = out[s + 1] + (carry as Word); }
out[s + 1] = 0;
for i in (0..=s).rev() {
match out[i].cmp(n.digits.get(i).unwrap_or(&0)) {
core::cmp::Ordering::Less => return, core::cmp::Ordering::Greater => break,
core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => (),
let mut b = false;
for (i, out_digit) in out.iter_mut().enumerate().take(s) {
let (diff, borrow) = borrowing_sub(*out_digit, n.digits.get(i).copied().unwrap_or(0), b);
*out_digit = diff;
b = borrow;
let (diff, borrow) = borrowing_sub(out[s], 0, b);
out[s] = diff;
debug_assert!(!borrow, "No borrow needed since out < n");
pub fn monsq(x: &MPNat, n: &MPNat, n_prime: Word, out: &mut [Word]) {
"Montgomery multiplication only makes sense with odd modulus"
x.digits.len() <= n.digits.len(),
"x cannot be larger than n"
out.len() > 2 * n.digits.len(),
"Output needs double the digits to hold the value of x^2 plus an extra word"
let s = n.digits.len();
big_sq(x, out);
for i in 0..s {
let mut c: Word = 0;
let m = out[i].wrapping_mul(n_prime);
for j in 0..s {
let (prod, carry) =
shifted_carrying_mul(out[i + j], m, n.digits.get(j).copied().unwrap_or(0), c);
out[i + j] = prod;
c = carry;
let mut j = i + s;
while c > 0 {
let (sum, carry) = carrying_add(out[j], c, false);
out[j] = sum;
c = carry as Word;
j += 1;
for i in 0..(s + 1) {
out[i] = out[i + s];
out[(s + 1)..].fill(0);
for i in (0..=s).rev() {
match out[i].cmp(n.digits.get(i).unwrap_or(&0)) {
core::cmp::Ordering::Less => return,
core::cmp::Ordering::Greater => break,
core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => (),
let mut b = false;
for (i, out_digit) in out.iter_mut().enumerate().take(s) {
let (diff, borrow) = borrowing_sub(*out_digit, n.digits.get(i).copied().unwrap_or(0), b);
*out_digit = diff;
b = borrow;
let (diff, borrow) = borrowing_sub(out[s], 0, b);
out[s] = diff;
debug_assert!(!borrow, "No borrow needed since out < n");
pub fn mod_inv(x: Word) -> Word {
debug_assert_eq!(x & 1, 1, "Algorithm only valid for odd n");
let mut y = 1;
for i in 2..WORD_BITS {
let mask = (1 << i) - 1;
let xy = x.wrapping_mul(y) & mask;
let q = 1 << (i - 1);
if xy >= q {
y += q;
let xy = x.wrapping_mul(y);
let q = 1 << (WORD_BITS - 1);
if xy >= q {
y += q;
pub fn compute_r_mod_n(n: &MPNat, out: &mut [Word]) {
let k = n.digits.len();
if k == 1 {
let r = BASE;
let result = r % (n.digits[0] as DoubleWord);
out[0] = result as Word;
debug_assert!(n.is_odd(), "This algorithm only works for odd numbers");
out.len() >= k,
"Output must be able to hold numbers of the same size as n"
let approx_n = join_as_double(n.digits[k - 1], n.digits[k - 2]);
let approx_q = DoubleWord::MAX / approx_n;
approx_q <= (Word::MAX as DoubleWord),
"quotient must fit in a single digit"
let mut approx_q = approx_q as Word;
loop {
let mut c = 0;
let mut b = false;
for (n_digit, out_digit) in n.digits.iter().zip(out.iter_mut()) {
let (prod, carry) = carrying_mul(approx_q, *n_digit, c);
c = carry;
let (diff, borrow) = borrowing_sub(0, prod, b);
b = borrow;
*out_digit = diff;
let (diff, borrow) = borrowing_sub(1, c, b);
if borrow {
approx_q -= 1;
} else {
diff, 0,
"R - qn must be smaller than n, hence fit in k digits"
pub fn big_wrapping_pow(base: &MPNat, exp: &[u8], scratch_space: &mut [Word]) -> MPNat {
let mut result = MPNat {
digits: vec![0; scratch_space.len()],
result.digits[0] = 1;
for &b in exp {
let mut mask: u8 = 1 << 7;
while mask > 0 {
big_wrapping_mul(&result, &result, scratch_space);
scratch_space.fill(0); if b & mask != 0 {
big_wrapping_mul(&result, base, scratch_space);
scratch_space.fill(0); }
mask >>= 1;
pub fn big_wrapping_mul(x: &MPNat, y: &MPNat, out: &mut [Word]) {
let s = out.len();
for i in 0..s {
let mut c: Word = 0;
for j in 0..(s - i) {
let (prod, carry) = shifted_carrying_mul(
out[i + j],
c = carry;
out[i + j] = prod;
pub fn big_sq(x: &MPNat, out: &mut [Word]) {
out.len() > 2 * x.digits.len(),
"Output needs double the digits to hold the value of x^2"
let s = x.digits.len();
for i in 0..s {
let (product, carry) = shifted_carrying_mul(out[i + i], x.digits[i], x.digits[i], 0);
out[i + i] = product;
let mut c = carry as DoubleWord;
for j in (i + 1)..s {
let mut new_c: DoubleWord = 0;
let res = (x.digits[i] as DoubleWord) * (x.digits[j] as DoubleWord);
let (res, overflow) = res.overflowing_add(res);
if overflow {
new_c += BASE;
let (res, overflow) = (out[i + j] as DoubleWord).overflowing_add(res);
if overflow {
new_c += BASE;
let (res, overflow) = res.overflowing_add(c);
if overflow {
new_c += BASE;
out[i + j] = res as Word;
c = new_c + ((res >> WORD_BITS) as DoubleWord);
let (sum, carry) = carrying_add(out[i + s], c as Word, false);
out[i + s] = sum;
out[i + s + 1] = ((c >> WORD_BITS) as Word) + (carry as Word);
pub fn in_place_shl(a: &mut [Word], shift: u32) -> Word {
let mut c: Word = 0;
let carry_shift = (WORD_BITS as u32) - shift;
for a_digit in a.iter_mut() {
let carry = a_digit.overflowing_shr(carry_shift).0;
*a_digit = a_digit.overflowing_shl(shift).0 | c;
c = carry;
pub fn in_place_shr(a: &mut [Word], shift: u32) -> Word {
let mut b: Word = 0;
let borrow_shift = (WORD_BITS as u32) - shift;
for a_digit in a.iter_mut().rev() {
let borrow = a_digit.overflowing_shl(borrow_shift).0;
*a_digit = a_digit.overflowing_shr(shift).0 | b;
b = borrow;
pub fn in_place_add(a: &mut [Word], b: &[Word]) -> bool {
debug_assert!(a.len() == b.len());
let mut c = false;
for (a_digit, b_digit) in a.iter_mut().zip(b) {
let (sum, carry) = carrying_add(*a_digit, *b_digit, c);
*a_digit = sum;
c = carry;
pub fn in_place_mul_sub(a: &mut [Word], x: &[Word], y: Word) -> Word {
debug_assert!(a.len() == x.len());
if y == 0 {
return 0;
let mut offset_carry = Word::MAX;
for (a_digit, x_digit) in a.iter_mut().zip(x) {
let offset_sum = join_as_double(Word::MAX, *a_digit) - Word::MAX as DoubleWord
+ offset_carry as DoubleWord
- ((*x_digit as DoubleWord) * (y as DoubleWord));
let new_offset_carry = (offset_sum >> WORD_BITS) as Word;
let new_x = offset_sum as Word;
offset_carry = new_offset_carry;
*a_digit = new_x;
Word::MAX - offset_carry
pub fn shifted_carrying_mul(a: Word, x: Word, y: Word, c: Word) -> (Word, Word) {
let wide = { (a as DoubleWord) + ((x as DoubleWord) * (y as DoubleWord)) + (c as DoubleWord) };
(wide as Word, (wide >> WORD_BITS) as Word)
pub fn carrying_mul(x: Word, y: Word, c: Word) -> (Word, Word) {
let wide = { ((x as DoubleWord) * (y as DoubleWord)) + (c as DoubleWord) };
(wide as Word, (wide >> WORD_BITS) as Word)
pub fn carrying_add(x: Word, y: Word, carry: bool) -> (Word, bool) {
let (a, b) = x.overflowing_add(y);
let (c, d) = a.overflowing_add(carry as Word);
(c, b | d)
pub fn borrowing_sub(x: Word, y: Word, borrow: bool) -> (Word, bool) {
let (a, b) = x.overflowing_sub(y);
let (c, d) = a.overflowing_sub(borrow as Word);
(c, b | d)
pub fn join_as_double(hi: Word, lo: Word) -> DoubleWord {
DoubleWord::from(lo) | (DoubleWord::from(hi) << WORD_BITS)
fn test_monsq() {
check_monsq(1, 31);
check_monsq(6, 31);
check_monsq(5, 25);
check_monsq(0x1FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF0, 0x1FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF1);
check_monsq(0x16FF_221F_CB7D, 0x011E_842B_6BAA_5017_EBF2_8293);
check_monsq(0x0A2D_63F5_CFF9, 0x1F3B_3BD9_43EF);
fn check_monsq(x: u128, n: u128) {
let a = MPNat::from_big_endian(&x.to_be_bytes());
let m = MPNat::from_big_endian(&n.to_be_bytes());
let n_prime = Word::MAX - mod_inv(m.digits[0]) + 1;
let mut output = vec![0; 2 * m.digits.len() + 1];
monsq(&a, &m, n_prime, &mut output);
let result = MPNat { digits: output };
let mut output = vec![0; m.digits.len() + 2];
monpro(&a, &a, &m, n_prime, &mut output);
let expected = MPNat { digits: output };
"{x}^2 failed monsq check"
fn test_monpro() {
use num::Integer;
check_monpro(1, 1, 31);
check_monpro(6, 7, 31);
check_monpro(5, 7, 35);
check_monpro(0x1FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF0, 0x1234, 0x1FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFF1);
check_monpro(0x0A2D_63F5_CFF9, 0x1B21_FF3C_FA8E, 0x1F3B_3BD9_43EF);
fn check_monpro(x: u128, y: u128, n: u128) {
let a = MPNat::from_big_endian(&x.to_be_bytes());
let b = MPNat::from_big_endian(&y.to_be_bytes());
let m = MPNat::from_big_endian(&n.to_be_bytes());
let n_prime = Word::MAX - mod_inv(m.digits[0]) + 1;
let mut output = vec![0; m.digits.len() + 2];
monpro(&a, &b, &m, n_prime, &mut output);
let result = MPNat { digits: output };
let r = num::BigInt::from(2).pow((WORD_BITS * m.digits.len()) as u32);
let r_inv = r.extended_gcd(&num::BigInt::from(n as i128)).x;
let r_inv: u128 = r_inv.try_into().unwrap();
let expected = (((x * y) % n) * r_inv) % n;
let actual = mp_nat_to_u128(&result);
assert_eq!(actual, expected, "{x}*{y} failed monpro check");
fn test_r_mod_n() {
fn check_r_mod_n(n: u128) {
let x = MPNat::from_big_endian(&n.to_be_bytes());
let mut out = vec![0; x.digits.len()];
compute_r_mod_n(&x, &mut out);
let result = mp_nat_to_u128(&MPNat { digits: out });
let expected = num::BigUint::from(2_u32).pow((WORD_BITS * x.digits.len()) as u32)
% num::BigUint::from(n);
assert_eq!(num::BigUint::from(result), expected);
fn test_in_place_shl() {
check_in_place_shl(0, 0);
check_in_place_shl(1, 10);
check_in_place_shl(Word::MAX as u128, 5);
check_in_place_shl(u128::MAX, 16);
fn check_in_place_shl(n: u128, shift: u32) {
let mut x = MPNat::from_big_endian(&n.to_be_bytes());
in_place_shl(&mut x.digits, shift);
let result = mp_nat_to_u128(&x);
let mask = BASE
.overflowing_pow(x.digits.len() as u32)
assert_eq!(result, n.overflowing_shl(shift).0 & mask);
fn test_in_place_shr() {
check_in_place_shr(0, 0);
check_in_place_shr(1, 10);
check_in_place_shr(0x1234_5678, 10);
check_in_place_shr(Word::MAX as u128, 5);
check_in_place_shr(u128::MAX, 16);
fn check_in_place_shr(n: u128, shift: u32) {
let mut x = MPNat::from_big_endian(&n.to_be_bytes());
in_place_shr(&mut x.digits, shift);
let result = mp_nat_to_u128(&x);
assert_eq!(result, n.overflowing_shr(shift).0);
fn test_mod_inv() {
for i in 1..1025 {
check_mod_inv(2 * i - 1);
for i in 0..1025 {
check_mod_inv(0xFF_FF_FF_FF - 2 * i);
fn check_mod_inv(n: Word) {
let n_inv = mod_inv(n);
assert_eq!(n.wrapping_mul(n_inv), 1, "{n} failed mod_inv check");
fn test_big_wrapping_pow() {
check_big_wrapping_pow(1, 1);
check_big_wrapping_pow(10, 2);
check_big_wrapping_pow(2, 32);
check_big_wrapping_pow(2, 64);
check_big_wrapping_pow(2766, 844);
fn check_big_wrapping_pow(a: u128, b: u32) {
let expected = num::BigUint::from(a).pow(b);
let x = MPNat::from_big_endian(&a.to_be_bytes());
let y = b.to_be_bytes();
let mut scratch = vec![0; 1 + (expected.to_bytes_be().len() / crate::mpnat::WORD_BYTES)];
let result = big_wrapping_pow(&x, &y, &mut scratch);
let result = {
let result = result.to_big_endian();
assert_eq!(result, expected, "{a} ^ {b} != {expected}");
fn test_big_wrapping_mul() {
check_big_wrapping_mul(0, 0, 1);
check_big_wrapping_mul(1, 1, 1);
check_big_wrapping_mul(7, 6, 1);
check_big_wrapping_mul(Word::MAX.into(), Word::MAX.into(), 2);
check_big_wrapping_mul(Word::MAX.into(), Word::MAX.into(), 1);
check_big_wrapping_mul(DoubleWord::MAX - 5, DoubleWord::MAX - 6, 2);
check_big_wrapping_mul(0xa945_aa5e_429a_6d1a, 0x4072_d45d_3355_237b, 3);
fn check_big_wrapping_mul(a: u128, b: u128, output_digits: usize) {
let expected = (num::BigUint::from(a) * num::BigUint::from(b))
% num::BigUint::from(2_u32).pow((output_digits * WORD_BITS) as u32);
let x = MPNat::from_big_endian(&a.to_be_bytes());
let y = MPNat::from_big_endian(&b.to_be_bytes());
let mut out = vec![0; output_digits];
big_wrapping_mul(&x, &y, &mut out);
let result = {
let result = MPNat { digits: out }.to_big_endian();
assert_eq!(result, expected, "{a}*{b} != {expected}");
fn test_big_sq() {
check_big_sq(2 * (Word::MAX as u128));
fn check_big_sq(a: u128) {
let expected = num::BigUint::from(a).pow(2_u32);
let x = MPNat::from_big_endian(&a.to_be_bytes());
let mut out = vec![0; 2 * x.digits.len() + 1];
big_sq(&x, &mut out);
let result = {
let result = MPNat { digits: out }.to_big_endian();
assert_eq!(result, expected, "{a}^2 != {expected}");
let x = MPNat::from_big_endian(&[
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
let mut out = vec![0; 2 * x.digits.len() + 1];
big_sq(&x, &mut out);
let result = MPNat { digits: out }.to_big_endian();
let expected = vec![
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xbf, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn test_borrowing_sub() {
assert_eq!(borrowing_sub(0, 0, false), (0, false));
assert_eq!(borrowing_sub(1, 0, false), (1, false));
assert_eq!(borrowing_sub(47, 5, false), (42, false));
assert_eq!(borrowing_sub(101, 7, true), (93, false));
borrowing_sub(0x00_00_01_00, 0x00_00_02_00, false),
(Word::MAX - 0xFF, true)
borrowing_sub(0x00_00_01_00, 0x00_00_10_00, true),
(Word::MAX - 0x0F_00, true)
fn test_shifted_carrying_mul() {
assert_eq!(shifted_carrying_mul(0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0));
assert_eq!(shifted_carrying_mul(0, 6, 7, 0), (42, 0));
assert_eq!(shifted_carrying_mul(0, 6, 7, 8), (50, 0));
assert_eq!(shifted_carrying_mul(5, 6, 7, 8), (55, 0));
Word::MAX - 0x11,
Word::MAX - 0x1234,
Word::MAX - 0xABCD,
Word::MAX - 0xFF
(0x0C_38_0C_94, Word::MAX - 0xBE00)
shifted_carrying_mul(Word::MAX, Word::MAX, Word::MAX, Word::MAX),
(Word::MAX, Word::MAX)
pub fn mp_nat_to_u128(x: &MPNat) -> u128 {
let mut buf = [0u8; 16];
let result = x.to_big_endian();
let k = result.len();
buf[(16 - k)..].copy_from_slice(&result);