1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
use halo2curves_axiom::{
bn256::{Fq, Fq12, Fq2},
use openvm_ecc_guest::{algebra::field::FieldExtension, AffinePoint};
use super::{Bn254, EXP1, EXP2, M_INV, R_INV, U27_COEFF_0, U27_COEFF_1};
use crate::pairing::{FinalExp, MultiMillerLoop};
impl FinalExp for Bn254 {
type Fp = Fq;
type Fp2 = Fq2;
type Fp12 = Fq12;
fn assert_final_exp_is_one(
f: &Self::Fp12,
P: &[AffinePoint<Self::Fp>],
Q: &[AffinePoint<Self::Fp2>],
) {
let (c, u) = Self::final_exp_hint(f);
let c_inv = c.invert().unwrap();
// f * u == c^λ
// f * u == c^{6x + 2 + q^3 - q^2 + q}
// f * c^-{6x + 2} * u * c^-{q^3 - q^2 + q} == 1
// where fc == f * c^-{6x + 2}
// c_mul = c^-{q^3 - q^2 + q}
let c_q3_inv = FieldExtension::frobenius_map(&c_inv, 3);
let c_q2 = FieldExtension::frobenius_map(&c, 2);
let c_q_inv = FieldExtension::frobenius_map(&c_inv, 1);
let c_mul = c_q3_inv * c_q2 * c_q_inv;
// Compute miller loop with c_inv
let fc = Self::multi_miller_loop_embedded_exp(P, Q, Some(c_inv));
assert_eq!(fc * c_mul * u, Fq12::ONE);
// Adapted from the Gnark implementation:
// returns c (residueWitness) and u (cubicNonResiduePower)
fn final_exp_hint(f: &Self::Fp12) -> (Self::Fp12, Self::Fp12) {
// Residue witness
let mut c;
// Cubic nonresidue power
let u;
// get the 27th root of unity
let u0 = U27_COEFF_0.to_u64_digits();
let u1 = U27_COEFF_1.to_u64_digits();
let u_coeffs = Fq2::from_coeffs([
Fq::from_raw([u0[0], u0[1], u0[2], u0[3]]),
Fq::from_raw([u1[0], u1[1], u1[2], u1[3]]),
let unity_root_27 = Fq12::from_coeffs([
debug_assert_eq!(unity_root_27.pow([27]), Fq12::one());
if f.pow(EXP1.to_u64_digits()) == Fq12::ONE {
c = *f;
u = Fq12::ONE;
} else {
let f_mul_unity_root_27 = f * unity_root_27;
if f_mul_unity_root_27.pow(EXP1.to_u64_digits()) == Fq12::ONE {
c = f_mul_unity_root_27;
u = unity_root_27;
} else {
c = f_mul_unity_root_27 * unity_root_27;
u = unity_root_27.square();
// 1. Compute r-th root and exponentiate to rInv where
// rInv = 1/r mod (p^12-1)/r
c = c.pow(R_INV.to_u64_digits());
// 2. Compute m-th root where
// m = (6x + 2 + q^3 - q^2 +q)/3r
// Exponentiate to mInv where
// mInv = 1/m mod p^12-1
c = c.pow(M_INV.to_u64_digits());
// 3. Compute cube root
// since gcd(3, (p^12-1)/r) != 1, we use a modified Tonelli-Shanks algorithm
// see Alg.4 of
// Typo in the paper: p^k-1 = 3^n * s instead of p-1 = 3^r * s
// where k=12 and n=3 here and exp2 = (s+1)/3
let mut x = c.pow(EXP2.to_u64_digits());
// 3^t is ord(x^3 / residueWitness)
let c_inv = c.invert().unwrap();
let mut x3 = x.square() * x * c_inv;
let mut t = 0;
let mut tmp = x3.square();
// Modified Tonelli-Shanks algorithm for computing the cube root
fn tonelli_shanks_loop(x3: &mut Fq12, tmp: &mut Fq12, t: &mut i32) {
while *x3 != Fq12::ONE {
*tmp = (*x3).square();
*x3 *= *tmp;
*t += 1;
tonelli_shanks_loop(&mut x3, &mut tmp, &mut t);
while t != 0 {
tmp = unity_root_27.pow(EXP2.to_u64_digits());
x *= tmp;
x3 = x.square() * x * c_inv;
t = 0;
tonelli_shanks_loop(&mut x3, &mut tmp, &mut t);
debug_assert_eq!(c, x * x * x);
// x is the cube root of the residue witness c
c = x;
(c, u)