use derivative::Derivative;
use openvm_circuit::{
arch::ContinuationVmProof, system::memory::tree::public_values::UserPublicValuesProof,
use openvm_native_compiler::ir::DIGEST_SIZE;
use openvm_stark_sdk::{
config::{Com, StarkGenericConfig, Val},
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
/// Input for the leaf VM verifier.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Derivative)]
#[serde(bound = "")]
#[derivative(Clone(bound = "Com<SC>: Clone"))]
pub struct LeafVmVerifierInput<SC: StarkGenericConfig> {
/// The proofs of the VM execution segments in the execution order.
pub proofs: Vec<Proof<SC>>,
/// The public values root proof. Leaf VM verifier only needs this when verifying the last
/// segment.
pub public_values_root_proof: Option<UserPublicValuesRootProof<Val<SC>>>,
assert_impl_all!(LeafVmVerifierInput<BabyBearPoseidon2Config>: Serialize, DeserializeOwned);
/// Proof that the merkle root of public values is in the memory state. Can be extracted from
/// `openvm_circuit::system::memory::public_values::UserPublicValuesProof`.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UserPublicValuesRootProof<F> {
/// Sibling hashes for proving the merkle root of public values. For a specific VM, the path
/// is constant. So we don't need the boolean which indicates if a node is a left child or right
/// child.
pub sibling_hashes: Vec<[F; DIGEST_SIZE]>,
pub public_values_commit: [F; DIGEST_SIZE],
assert_impl_all!(UserPublicValuesRootProof<BabyBear>: Serialize, DeserializeOwned);
impl<SC: StarkGenericConfig> LeafVmVerifierInput<SC> {
pub fn chunk_continuation_vm_proof(proof: &ContinuationVmProof<SC>, chunk: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
let ContinuationVmProof {
} = proof;
let mut ret: Vec<Self> = per_segment
.map(|proof| Self {
proofs: proof.to_vec(),
public_values_root_proof: None,
ret.last_mut().unwrap().public_values_root_proof =
impl<F: Clone> UserPublicValuesRootProof<F> {
pub fn extract(pvs_proof: &UserPublicValuesProof<{ DIGEST_SIZE }, F>) -> Self {
Self {
sibling_hashes: pvs_proof.proof.clone(),
public_values_commit: pvs_proof.public_values_commit.clone(),