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//! Functions useful for FFI
use core::{slice, str};
use libc::{self, c_char};
/// Given a valid C-style, NUL terminated, UTF8-encoded string, returns a Rust `&str`
/// Warnings:
/// - No checks are made for: valid UTF-8
/// - This function "creates" a reference with an arbitrary lifetime, so be careful to limit the
/// lifetime appropriately
pub(crate) unsafe fn str_from_cstr_ptr<'a>(ptr: *const c_char) -> Option<&'a str> {
if ptr.is_null() {
return None;
let len = libc::strlen(ptr);
/* ASSUMPTION: capstone returns NUL terminated string */
let view: &[u8] = slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u8, len as usize);
/* ASSUMPTION: capstone returns a valid UTF-8 string */
mod test {
use super::*;
use core;
fn cstr_convert() {
unsafe {
assert_eq!(str_from_cstr_ptr(core::ptr::null() as *const c_char), None);
str_from_cstr_ptr(b"\x00".as_ptr() as *const c_char),
str_from_cstr_ptr(b"\x00".as_ptr() as *const c_char),
str_from_cstr_ptr(b"this is my TEST string\x00".as_ptr() as *const c_char),
Some("this is my TEST string")