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use openvm_circuit_primitives_derive::AlignedBorrow;
#[derive(Debug, AlignedBorrow)]
pub struct MemoryMerkleCols<T, const CHUNK: usize> {
// `expand_direction` = 1 corresponds to initial memory state
// `expand_direction` = -1 corresponds to final memory state
// `expand_direction` = 0 corresponds to irrelevant row (all interactions multiplicity 0)
pub expand_direction: T,
// height_section = 1 indicates that as_label is being expanded
// height_section = 0 indicates that address_label is being expanded
pub height_section: T,
pub parent_height: T,
pub is_root: T,
pub parent_as_label: T,
pub parent_address_label: T,
pub parent_hash: [T; CHUNK],
pub left_child_hash: [T; CHUNK],
pub right_child_hash: [T; CHUNK],
// indicate whether `expand_direction` is different from origin
// when `expand_direction` != -1, must be 0
pub left_direction_different: T,
pub right_direction_different: T,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, AlignedBorrow)]
pub struct MemoryMerklePvs<T, const CHUNK: usize> {
/// The memory state root before the execution of this segment.
pub initial_root: [T; CHUNK],
/// The memory state root after the execution of this segment.
pub final_root: [T; CHUNK],