
Trait Matrix

pub trait Matrix<T: Send + Sync>: Send + Sync {
    type Row<'a>: Iterator<Item = T> + Send + Sync
       where Self: 'a;

Show 20 methods // Required methods fn width(&self) -> usize; fn height(&self) -> usize; fn row(&self, r: usize) -> Self::Row<'_>; // Provided methods fn dimensions(&self) -> Dimensions { ... } fn get(&self, r: usize, c: usize) -> T { ... } fn rows(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self::Row<'_>> { ... } fn par_rows(&self) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = Self::Row<'_>> { ... } fn row_slice(&self, r: usize) -> impl Deref<Target = [T]> { ... } fn first_row(&self) -> Self::Row<'_> { ... } fn last_row(&self) -> Self::Row<'_> { ... } fn to_row_major_matrix(self) -> RowMajorMatrix<T> where Self: Sized, T: Clone { ... } fn horizontally_packed_row<'a, P>( &'a self, r: usize, ) -> (impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync, impl Iterator<Item = T> + Send + Sync) where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + 'a { ... } fn padded_horizontally_packed_row<'a, P>( &'a self, r: usize, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + Default + 'a { ... } fn par_horizontally_packed_rows<'a, P>( &'a self, ) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = (impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync, impl Iterator<Item = T> + Send + Sync)> where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + 'a { ... } fn par_padded_horizontally_packed_rows<'a, P>( &'a self, ) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync> where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + Default + 'a { ... } fn vertically_packed_row<P>(&self, r: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = P> where T: Copy, P: PackedValue<Value = T> { ... } fn vertically_packed_row_pair<P>(&self, r: usize, step: usize) -> Vec<P> where T: Copy, P: PackedValue<Value = T> { ... } fn vertically_strided( self, stride: usize, offset: usize, ) -> VerticallyStridedMatrixView<Self> where Self: Sized { ... } fn columnwise_dot_product<EF>(&self, v: &[EF]) -> Vec<EF> where T: Field, EF: ExtensionField<T> { ... } fn dot_ext_powers<EF>( &self, base: EF, ) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = EF> where T: Field, EF: ExtensionField<T> { ... }

Required Associated Types§


type Row<'a>: Iterator<Item = T> + Send + Sync where Self: 'a

Required Methods§


fn width(&self) -> usize


fn height(&self) -> usize


fn row(&self, r: usize) -> Self::Row<'_>

Provided Methods§


fn dimensions(&self) -> Dimensions


fn get(&self, r: usize, c: usize) -> T


fn rows(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self::Row<'_>>


fn par_rows(&self) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = Self::Row<'_>>


fn row_slice(&self, r: usize) -> impl Deref<Target = [T]>


fn first_row(&self) -> Self::Row<'_>


fn last_row(&self) -> Self::Row<'_>


fn to_row_major_matrix(self) -> RowMajorMatrix<T>
where Self: Sized, T: Clone,


fn horizontally_packed_row<'a, P>( &'a self, r: usize, ) -> (impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync, impl Iterator<Item = T> + Send + Sync)
where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + 'a,


fn padded_horizontally_packed_row<'a, P>( &'a self, r: usize, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync
where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + Default + 'a,

Zero padded.


fn par_horizontally_packed_rows<'a, P>( &'a self, ) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = (impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync, impl Iterator<Item = T> + Send + Sync)>
where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + 'a,


fn par_padded_horizontally_packed_rows<'a, P>( &'a self, ) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = impl Iterator<Item = P> + Send + Sync>
where P: PackedValue<Value = T>, T: Clone + Default + 'a,


fn vertically_packed_row<P>(&self, r: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = P>
where T: Copy, P: PackedValue<Value = T>,

Pack together a collection of adjacent rows from the matrix.

Returns an iterator whose i’th element is packing of the i’th element of the rows r through r + P::WIDTH - 1. If we exceed the height of the matrix, wrap around and include initial rows.


fn vertically_packed_row_pair<P>(&self, r: usize, step: usize) -> Vec<P>
where T: Copy, P: PackedValue<Value = T>,

Pack together a collection of rows and “next” rows from the matrix.

Returns a vector corresponding to 2 packed rows. The i’th element of the first row contains the packing of the i’th element of the rows r through r + P::WIDTH - 1. The i’th element of the second row contains the packing of the i’th element of the rows r + step through r + step + P::WIDTH - 1. If at some point we exceed the height of the matrix, wrap around and include initial rows.


fn vertically_strided( self, stride: usize, offset: usize, ) -> VerticallyStridedMatrixView<Self>
where Self: Sized,


fn columnwise_dot_product<EF>(&self, v: &[EF]) -> Vec<EF>
where T: Field, EF: ExtensionField<T>,

Compute Mᵀv, aka premultiply this matrix by the given vector, aka scale each row by the corresponding entry in v and take the sum across rows. v can be a vector of extension elements.


fn dot_ext_powers<EF>( &self, base: EF, ) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = EF>
where T: Field, EF: ExtensionField<T>,

Multiply this matrix by the vector of powers of base, which is an extension element.

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.



impl<F, EF, Inner> Matrix<F> for FlatMatrixView<F, EF, Inner>
where F: Field, EF: ExtensionField<F>, Inner: Matrix<EF>,


type Row<'a> = FlatIter<F, <Inner as Matrix<EF>>::Row<'a>> where Self: 'a


impl<T: Clone + Default + Send + Sync> Matrix<T> for CsrMatrix<T>


type Row<'a> = <Vec<T> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter where Self: 'a


impl<T: Clone + Send + Sync, S: DenseStorage<T>> Matrix<T> for DenseMatrix<T, S>


type Row<'a> = Cloned<Iter<'a, T>> where Self: 'a


impl<T: Send + Sync, First: Matrix<T>, Second: Matrix<T>> Matrix<T> for HorizontalPair<First, Second>


type Row<'a> = Chain<<First as Matrix<T>>::Row<'a>, <Second as Matrix<T>>::Row<'a>> where Self: 'a


impl<T: Send + Sync, First: Matrix<T>, Second: Matrix<T>> Matrix<T> for VerticalPair<First, Second>


type Row<'a> = EitherRow<<First as Matrix<T>>::Row<'a>, <Second as Matrix<T>>::Row<'a>> where Self: 'a


impl<T: Send + Sync, IndexMap: RowIndexMap, Inner: Matrix<T>> Matrix<T> for RowIndexMappedView<IndexMap, Inner>


type Row<'a> = <Inner as Matrix<T>>::Row<'a> where Self: 'a