
Function ecdsa_verify_no_pubkey_check

pub fn ecdsa_verify_no_pubkey_check<F: BigPrimeField, CF: BigPrimeField, SF: BigPrimeField, GA>(
    chip: &EccChip<'_, F, FpChip<'_, F, CF>>,
    ctx: &mut Context<F>,
    pubkey: EcPoint<F, <FpChip<'_, F, CF> as FieldChip<F>>::FieldPoint>,
    r: ProperCrtUint<F>,
    s: ProperCrtUint<F>,
    msghash: ProperCrtUint<F>,
    var_window_bits: usize,
    fixed_window_bits: usize,
) -> AssignedValue<F>
where GA: CurveAffineExt<Base = CF, ScalarExt = SF>,
Expand description

WARNING: Only use this function if 1 / (p - n) is very small (e.g., < 2-100) pubkey should not be the identity point