
Function compute_single_rap_quotient_values

pub fn compute_single_rap_quotient_values<'a, SC, R, Mat>(
    rap: &'a R,
    symbolic_constraints: &SymbolicConstraints<Val<SC>>,
    trace_domain: Domain<SC>,
    quotient_domain: Domain<SC>,
    preprocessed_trace_on_quotient_domain: Mat,
    partitioned_main_lde_on_quotient_domain: Vec<Mat>,
    after_challenge_lde_on_quotient_domain: Vec<Mat>,
    challenges: &[Vec<PackedChallenge<SC>>],
    alpha: SC::Challenge,
    public_values: &'a [Val<SC>],
    exposed_values_after_challenge: &'a [&'a [PackedChallenge<SC>]],
    rap_phase_seq_kind: RapPhaseSeqKind,
    interaction_chunk_size: usize,
) -> Vec<SC::Challenge>
where R: for<'b> Rap<ProverConstraintFolder<'b, SC>> + PartitionedBaseAir<Val<SC>> + Sync + ?Sized, SC: StarkGenericConfig, Mat: Matrix<Val<SC>> + Sync,
Expand description

Computes evaluation of DEEP quotient polynomial on the quotient domain for a single RAP (single trace matrix).

Designed to be general enough to support RAP with multiple rounds of challenges.